Hello! I am so glad you are here today.

Please leave your other browser OPEN with the Doxy.me virtually waiting room
for your visit and DO NOT log in and out as that can further delay your visit.
Once you have arrived in the waiting room, and I am done with the patient before you, I will begin your visit by checking you in and performing some administrative tasks to prepare things for you. This is just like front desk staff and a medical assistant do in a brick and mortar clinic. This will take a few minutes.
Studies have shown, and perhaps your own personal experience has been, that in a brick and mortar clinic the average time from your arrival to seeing your provider is 61 minutes. And sometimes it can be as long as 2 hours. This includes checking in at the front desk, being roomed by the medical assistant, and then waiting in the exam room for the provider. This is after patients have often waited months for their appointment. And getting there in traffic can also take up time.
Fortunately working with me at Cerebral is much easier for you. Usually I have same or next day appointments available if you are having an urgent problem, even for brand new patients. And once you arrive in the virtual waiting room, I can often start your visit within a few short minutes rather than over an hour on average of check in, rooming, and waiting for your provider in a brick and mortar clinic.
When you and I are logged into the Doxy.me virtual visit, we can see that the other is logged in. I work for multiple online and brick and mortar clinics. So, even if I am not logged in here, I am still "in the office" on days that we have an appointment.
Like brick and mortar clinics, Cerebral provides us with 30 minutes for a new patient visit and 15 minutes for follow ups. Often enough, more time is needed. And I try to be as time-efficient as possible. However, certain situations require more time. They cannot be rushed when patient safety and well being are at stake. Unfortunately this pushes out later appointments. This means on occasion I will be running behind due to situations beyond my control such as patient emergencies or technical difficulties. Please be patient. Stay logged in on Doxy.me and leave that browser window open. Wait until I start the virtual visit. And know that if you need extra time, it will be provided.
If you are unable to wait, you may easily reschedule your visit in the app or when logged into the website.
It is very important that you know everything you need to for safe, quality, effective care. And while certain treatments are somewhat helpful, a comprehensive treatment plan is more likely to help you to feel much better in a shorter period of time. While you are waiting, please review your after visit instructions below. You should ask me any questions you have during your visit.
At the end of your visit we will discuss your next appt and schedule it. So, you should always have a visit scheduled. And if you need anything between visits, please move your appointment closer so that we can discuss it ASAP. That is the best way to reach me. If you need any help with your Cerebral account, the interface, or from therapy, please write in on chat for help. If you believe you are having a medical or psychiatric emergency, go to the closest ER. Or if you can't get their safely, call 911.
Your post visit instructions are discussed in the blog posts below.
They are in the order that I recommend you read them.
This information is important for your safety and to achieve optimal results.
Please read thoroughly for every visit.